Reflections on Work/Life Balance….Four Lessons Learned

The conversation about “work/life” balance seems to be never ending. Among women entrepreneurs it is a mainstay and a cause for much consternation and feelings of inadequacy. It seems that everyone has different ideas about what balance would look like or mean in their lives. Common spoken – or unspoken – themes include: having “it” all at … Read more

A Guide for Setting Fees & The Question(s) of Worth

A critical task in every business involves setting fees. Yet many entrepreneurs (especially helping professionals) are ill prepared for this task. My practice model is centered around a “private pay” practice, with only a few insurance-based services. When supervisees and colleagues bring up the topic of rates, the typical concerns are: “Is my rate too high?” “Is … Read more

Practicing with Integrity: 5 Questions You Should Never Ignore

I can’t think of a day in my professional life that I did not have to make decisions with ethical implications. Decisions like: no longer working with a client (closing a case); collecting fees and managing agreements; advising others on their practice; assessing risk factors in clients or other professionals. One of the biggest mistakes that a person … Read more