Evaluative Feedback – Can You Handle the Truth?

No matter what your professional roles are, evaluative feedback is a two way street. You are either giving the feedback or receiving it. The success of the venture has everything to do with how we give feedback and how we respond to the information received. Each month I seek and receive written evaluative feedback about … Read more

The Five Pillars of Career Advancement

For many years I was a student of media literacy. I even attended a one week training at The New Mexico Media Literacy Project.  One of the lasting impressions it had on me was how important it is to critically consume what we tend to consider as entertainment. One of my early teachers in media … Read more

Reflections on Work/Life Balance….Four Lessons Learned

The conversation about “work/life” balance seems to be never ending. Among women entrepreneurs it is a mainstay and a cause for much consternation and feelings of inadequacy. It seems that everyone has different ideas about what balance would look like or mean in their lives. Common spoken – or unspoken – themes include: having “it” all at … Read more