Why are White Men in America Killing People En Masse?

Why aren’t we having the conversation about white men and mass shootings? For many years we have had public discourse about “black on black crime”  and “gang violence.”  The conversations are held on the news, in social media, in living rooms, in educational institutions and among organizations that work diligently to try to mend the … Read more

The Reasons You Didn’t Get the Job

Some people say it’s easier to find a job when you have a job. But I’m not sure that is true. Even when people are unhappy at work, change is difficult. When people have been out of work a long time they can lose momentum. Not working becomes their norm. It can be hard to find … Read more

Stop Apologizing.

When Should We Apologize? Don’t let the title mislead you…I know that apologies are vital to the fabric of civil and polite society. I whole hardheartedly agree that people should apologize when they are taking responsibility for themselves including: their actions; their words; their mistakes; their misguided hurtful behavior; or the actions of an organization … Read more