Boundaries, Scheduling and People Pleasing…

Anyone who knows me even peripherally… knows I’m a prolific scheduler! Aspects of my work and personal schedule were mapped out for 2016 two months ago! Going back to the days of the multi-ring binder Franklin Planners and the Palm Pilot…or even my college planner…I’ve used scheduling primarily as a way to- set my intention for … Read more

On Sleep and Other Vices

“Yes”… you read the title correctly… and “no” sleep is generally not considered a vice unless you use it to escape or hide from life. But I have long since treated it as a vice. Lamenting the need to go to sleep as a disruption in my life. Some of you know me well or … Read more

Reflections on Work/Life Balance….Four Lessons Learned

The conversation about “work/life” balance seems to be never ending. Among women entrepreneurs it is a mainstay and a cause for much consternation and feelings of inadequacy. It seems that everyone has different ideas about what balance would look like or mean in their lives. Common spoken – or unspoken – themes include: having “it” all at … Read more

Music, Mood and Motivation – What’s Your Theme Song?

I’m not a music therapist. But I love the role music plays in our lives. How it can shift our mood and how it can motivate us when we need it most. Below is a snapshot of the role music plays during my average day: I listen to Chinese or Native American flutes on Pandora during Tai … Read more