Why are White Men in America Killing People En Masse?

Why aren’t we having the conversation about white men and mass shootings? For many years we have had public discourse about “black on black crime”  and “gang violence.”  The conversations are held on the news, in social media, in living rooms, in educational institutions and among organizations that work diligently to try to mend the … Read more

Race Matters – What Therapists Can Do!

Race Matters I don’t really like to talk or write openly about race. I am doing so because it matters. It is important to me to write about what matters and race does. I remember growing up in Stuttgart, West Germany. I lived there for six years from ages 2 to 8. We lived in … Read more

Learning to Live Without

Today I listened to an NPR podcast that was recommended by a colleague. It is not for those offended by profanity, so please listen at your own risk. What I can tell you is that it was so very engaging, sad and thought provoking that I listened to all seven episodes without stopping. I listened … Read more

Becoming a Professional Counselor

Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage & Family Therapists I often hear from people considering entering the field of mental health. Generally speaking, the people I hear from are changing professions or they extending their career from a related professional background in education, social services or the non-profit sector. They are interested in advisement about which field … Read more