What Does it Mean to be “Nice”?

How Do You Have So Many Friends? My Oncologist asks me this question almost every time I see him: “How do you have so many friends?” He spelled out the longer version of that question, or his implied question, today by saying, “If I got sick, would I know if I’d have any friends to … Read more

Uncovering the Authentic Self

Finding Ourselves Most of us spend a fair amount of our lives “finding ourselves.”  What are we really trying to find? Whether it is determining our roles in our relationships or finding our life’s purpose; to determining our vocation and contribution; to finding our spiritual or religious beliefs. So much of what shapes us is … Read more

On Saying Goodbye – Three Principles to Consider

Saying Goodbye One of the most difficult tasks we face in life involves “endings.”  Those times when we have to say goodbye to someone, something, or some experience. Despite the fact that we have plenty of opportunity to practice…we have often have difficulty with endings, transitions, change, and saying goodbye to the way things used … Read more