What Have You Been Putting Off?

What Have You Been Putting Off? I have been putting off something very important. Not only have I been putting it off, I’m aware of why I haven’t completed the task. The reasons are both emotional and logistical. It makes this thing hard for me to do, but no less important. I need to get … Read more

Do you have a niche?

Do you have a niche for your practice? Do you have a niche for your practice? What is your area of specialty? Are people contacting you in relation to your niche? Many marketing and sales specialists teach people to focus on developing their niche. The whole idea is to define your ideal client and explore … Read more

Fright – Fight or Flight, Friends, Freeze, Forget

Fright Most clinicians, if not all of us, know and have been taught about flight, fight or freeze. We are aware of its application to anxiety, trauma and our innate survival response cycle. I was invited recently to train a group of people on collective (ancestral/generational) trauma and recent results in the study of epigenetics, … Read more

Why are White Men in America Killing People En Masse?

Why aren’t we having the conversation about white men and mass shootings? For many years we have had public discourse about “black on black crime”  and “gang violence.”  The conversations are held on the news, in social media, in living rooms, in educational institutions and among organizations that work diligently to try to mend the … Read more