Turning Toward vs. Turning Away

Turning Toward Life presents us with many opportunities to either turn toward  people or turn away  from them. When we “turn toward” people we are making a conscious decision to engage in the relationship. When you turn toward you are listening, showing interest and asking questions. At its best, turning toward is a sign of … Read more

20 Years of Being a Therapist: A Labor of Love

No Vision, No Plan In July 1997, I was half way through my 1st year practicing psychotherapy. I selected an internship site that required a 20 hour a week 12 month commitment. At the time, I literally had no vision or thoughts about what my future would be in the field. I simply set out … Read more

Learning to be Selfish

Learning to be Selfish Not everyone needs to learn to be selfish. But for those who do…this message is for them. I know that many people think that our culture, our world is suffering from people being too self centered. Perhaps this is true for some. In my experience there is still a whole group … Read more

Why We Continue to Make the Same Mistakes

When you look at your life as I do mine,  you will undoubtedly notice mistakes. Often these mistakes resemble one another. As human beings we have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again. There are some very good reasons why we repeat our mistakes. Below are a few of them. #1-Bad … Read more