Supervising Counseling Interns

Clinical supervision in the counseling profession is still provided widely by clinicians who have experience, training as a therapist, and is limited to those who have been trained in supervision. In the state of Georgia the practice of ethical supervision is growing. We have a credential offered by one of our professional associations (the LPCA-GA) … Read more

Thanks for Your Patience

I wanted to take a moment to thank my regular readers. My subscribers over the past 3 years have known me to faithfully post my blog each week on Wednesday mornings. I took a break from the blog. Not because I wanted to take a break. But because I am committed to a level of … Read more

Bridging the Divide: Counseling, Licensure, Supervision & Professional Associations

The Great Divide It seems to me that there is a difference of understanding and expectations between those pursuing licensure and those issuing licenses in Georgia; specifically related to issuing licenses to associate professional counselors and licensed professional counselors. It is clear that the licensing board’s role is to protect the public. Their actual function … Read more

Clinical Supervisor Preparedness

The Supervisor’s Field of Knowing There are important elements of clinical supervision that are sacrificed on the altar of focusing on cases. You can’t reasonably know everything that matters about every case. As a supervisor you will only know… what you are told about a case, how it is told, and what you observe about your … Read more