Why We Continue to Make the Same Mistakes

When you look at your life as I do mine,  you will undoubtedly notice mistakes. Often these mistakes resemble one another. As human beings we have a tendency to make the same mistakes over and over again. There are some very good reasons why we repeat our mistakes. Below are a few of them. #1-Bad … Read more

I Don’t Have All the Answers…No One Does

Some of the Questions People Ask Do you think I can do it?  Translation: “I’m not sure I can do it.” What should I do?  Translation: “I’m feeling lost.” How should I get there?  Translation: “Someone must show me the way.” Am I good enough?  Translation: “I don’t know the source of my worth.” Why did … Read more

Repairing Relationships

What Does it Take to Repair a Fractured Relationship?  Mutual commitment;  Acknowledgment of the problems;  An understanding of each person’s deeply held values;  A willingness to be vulnerable;  Sincere apologies;  Forgiveness; and  Possible reconciliation. Mutual Commitment One cannot repair what does not exist and we cannot force people to remain in any circumstance if it … Read more

You are Responsible for Your Own Well-Being

You are Responsible for Yourself! It may be a difficult truth but it is a cornerstone of well-being…you are responsible for yourself.  As therapists, we are too often charged with helping others improve their self esteem or self concept.  The truth is that feeling good about one’s self takes time to cultivate. Some people view … Read more