You Are Not a Victim of Your Challenges

The Challenges of Self-Employment One of the conversations that I have privately with people quite often has to do with the rewards and difficulties of working for oneself. Alternatively, I also have many more conversations with people who work for others about their career dissatisfaction. So here is the dirty little secret…working for yourself/entrepreneurship/owning a business … Read more

Why Goal Setting May Hinder Progress

Writing Down Goals Positive psychology researchers and other researchers have found that people who write down their goals are more likely to achieve them. So of course I know that setting goals is important. I also engage in goal setting in all of the services that I provide. However, I believe that a heavy focus … Read more

Stop Acting Like You Don’t Need the Money

Let’s Talk About Money For some reason service professionals are often underpaid and undervalued. I think it is because, like many people, we don’t feel comfortable talking about money. It is my experience that the things we are not willing to talk about are also areas that are ripe for self-sabotage. Money is 1 of  4 taboo … Read more

Confidence, Courage, Consistency and Cashflow

Entrepreneurship Lately I’ve had conversations with colleagues who are in various stages of their career, practice or business development. The themes center around some of the common attributes and challenges that are integral to entrepreneurship. Those themes are: A call to developing confidence; mustering and maintaining courage; the discipline and consistency involved with building a … Read more